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hello again.  long time no talk!  well here is some news.  we've had a few more practices since the last update.  what has happened during those practices?  nothing too detailed or significant.  just keeping things steady and stable.  we've been wanting to record a better tape than the last, but it we always run out of time before we get a chance.  on the other hand, we have had more people over to share their opinions.  the opinion flow has been better than ever, infact at our last practice, we had more people than we have ever had at once.  thank you to those people who came, especially to the cops who came and shut us down.  we cut our GIANT set to two new baby sets.  so now we are prepared with an hour set should we need it, and two different half hour long sets.  we have also added some new pictures to the pictures and drawings section.  take a look at them.  most of them were taken outside... in the rain.  well thats an understatement.  it was actually more like a monsoon.  but as you will notice, you cant tell its raining at all.  infact, aside from the dark clouds edging in from the side, it looks like a happy sunny day.  quite odd.  were taking pictures like crazy.  we would have had more this time if it werent for a certain lack of... say... a flash on our camera.  have no fear! a new camera is here!  and soon so will oodles and oodles of new pictures!  in other news the band has been asked to make some songs for a soundtrack to an upcoming movie by WTHJH productions, but thats still underwraps for now.
the tentative practices days for this upcoming week are monday and wednesday so check your schedules! we hope to see you!  we will let you know how everything goes soon so... UNTIL NEXT TIME FRIENDS!

today was a practice day. yay!  we recorded a tape of what one of our sets will probably end up sounding like.  we started experimenting with new sounds and looked to queen for inspiration.  and we have started writing songs together instead of lee generating the ideas and having everyone else make their parts separately.  jessica  is currently looking to buy a new bass and amplifier.  we have taken some more pictures and will be putting them on site soon.  so keep yourself updated on the choking stars! bye bye!
P.S. we put a link to the oddcomics web site below the hit counter check it out

NEW PICTURES!!! more news coming soon

hey check out our new web site layout.  its becoming more and more efficient.  yay. lately we have had a few more people to practices, looking for some opinions on our songs, skill, style etc.  (so remember kids if you wanna come just let one of us know!)  another song is yet to come to the listy list in the near future.  another yay.  our next practice is this Wednesday (for those of you who can't add that's 8-6-03)  so come visit.  we're only having one practice this week.  not so yay.  but no worries! we are taking a band field trip!! we're psyched, and you just might be jealous... WE ARE GOING TO SEE IRON MAIDEN AND DIO!  thats Sunday (8-10-03).  we do not know when another practice will be after  that because we all wait around for jessica's schedule every week. ha ha.  sorry kids but a weeks notice isn't that bad... so try not to cry through your tissues.  we will be back with more news soon.  thanks for stoppinG by!

i've updated the site again adding a pictures and drawings section right now we only have one picture in there but there will soon be more tomorrow is another practice day so we will get somethings scanned and take some pictures to put on here.  another section i have added this update is the band bio section.  i have also been writing some new songs lately ive written three full songs in the past two days, but we still have plenty more besides those we intend to add to one of our sets.

a small update i just added a guest book and messed with some other stuff. please sign the guest book to let us know you came here.  today we had practice it went pretty well we had a couple people watch us play and we are almost ready to start trying to find bands to play with we've started to pick out the songs we are going to use as our first set but no new songs added this time around because we want to focus on what we have for now

hello to all of you people who probably don't even know who we are.  look around the site.  there's a little bit of info on some of the pages to maybe give you an idea of who we are.  keep coming back if you would like to find out about us, or see us play sometime.  we will update the site every time information becomes available, if you would like to talk us...

choking stars- home   |   band bio   |   the news   |   member bios   |   the listy list   |   play dates   |   pictures and drawings   |   equipment   |   make contact